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ISI Inspection Reports

The Independent Schools Inspectorate carried out a school inspection in January 2024. The inspection took place between 23-25 January 2024.

The School was found fully compliant against all of the regulatory standards.

Key inspection findings:
  • The school fulfils its aims successfully. Leaders nurture pupils’ talents and interest from a young age. They provide a broad curriculum and an extensive co-curricular programme, which engage pupils to excel. Leaders are dynamic, visible and approachable, and constantly seek to further improve the wellbeing of all pupils.

Pupils achieve highly in public examinations. This is due to the guidance, support and encouragement pupils receive from their knowledgeable teachers. The provision for pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) is a significant strength of the school.

  • The extensive co-curricular and enrichment programmes are a significant strength of the school. They bring challenge, inclusivity and diversity to pupils’ education.
  • Self-evaluation and reflection are integral to leaders’ approach to strategy and planning. Knowledgeable, supportive governors provide strong systematic oversight of leaders’ work, whilst ensuring an appropriate level of challenge.
  • Leaders have put in place effective programme to support pupils in their personal development. Personal, social and health education (PSHE) informs pupils well about important topics relating to wellbeing. Pupils respect each other, understand the importance of feeling valued and valuing others and how knowing yourself well is key to wellbeing and achievement.
  • In line with the school’s aims of service to others, pupils contribute to the local and wider community through a range of community service and charity initiatives. The careers programme is effective in helping pupils make decisions about their future pathways.
  • Pupils are taught about safeguarding matters. They know how to keep themselves safe, including online, and how to report a concern. Leaders prioritise training for all staff and governors on effective safeguarding.

Read the 2024 ISI Inpsection Report here

The Independent Schools Inspectorate carried out an Education Quality and Focused Compliance Inspection in May 2019. The School received the highest grade possible in all areas.

Read the 2019 Focused Compliance and Educational Quality Inspection Report here

Key findings

The quality of pupils’ academic and other achievements is excellent.


  • The progress made by pupils is exceptional, even when considered in the light of their high ability on entry. Pupils consistently achieve results in public examinations that are far above national averages.
  • Pupils naturally collaborate, respecting all abilities. This inclusive attitude supports pupils with SEND in making progress at least in line with other pupils, aided by the strategy of the school’s leadership.
  • Pupils enjoy intellectual challenge and are articulate, drawing on a rich depth of vocabulary; they listen critically and write fluently.
  • Pupils throughout the school are mathematically agile; many have developed a strong creativity in computing, art and the performing arts.

The quality of pupils’ personal development is excellent.

  • Pupils are aware of their own and others’ strengths and limitations, and their attitude to each other is sensitive and well-judged.
  • Pupils respond positively to the school’s promotion of choice, and the strong guidance they receive in making good decisions. Their initiatives and actions are frequently a force for good in the school and surrounding community.
  • Pupils develop rapidly, intellectually and socially, in the context of ethnic, social and religious diversity supported by a well-funded bursary scheme which reflects the founder’s objective to provide a high-quality education to pupils of all backgrounds and financial positions.
  • Pupils develop exceptional resilience through the wide variety of sport, trips and activities provided, and the school has introduced initiatives to encourage all pupils to participate more widely.

The School was also judged to be fully compliant against all of the regulatory standards.