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Support The Sixth Form Centre Appeal
The Governors of The Manchester Grammar School are delighted that the construction of a new state of the art Sixth Form Centre and Sports Pavilion started in August.
This building project is the next stage of the School’s long term development plan and is designed to ensure that MGS has the appropriate infrastructure that ensures we can deliver the very best education for current pupils and the generations to come.
We are delighted to announce that £5 million has been gifted and pledged towards our fundraising target.
The names of all donors will appear on the MGS website and be recorded permanently within the new Sixth Form Centre and Pavilion if they so wish. There are still naming opportunities available for rooms within the building. Please contact Director of Development, Simon Jones, for more details.
Please make your gift to support this exciting project now.
We are enormously grateful for significant support from:
David and Susan Hibbitt OM 55-62 | Andrew Dodd OM 83-90 |
The late Robert Beattie OM 43-45 | The late George Myers Teaching Staff 73-76 |
John Young OM 68-75 | The Chohan Family |
The O’Hare Family | The Campbell Family |
The Edge Family | The Cryne Family |
The Hinduja Family | Clare and Andrew Bolton |
Martin Boulton OM 84-86 | The Late Kenneth & Evelyn Norris OM 36-42 |
The Pochin Family | The Preston Family Trust |
Simon Arora | Robin Arora |
How to make your gift:
(Charity No. 529909)
Make your regular gift nowMake a single gift
We recognise all supporters of our Sixth Form Centre Appeal. Please note that some of our supporters wish to remain anonymous.
- The Abbott Family
- Geoff Acton
- The Ahmad Family
- The Air Family
- The Alam Family
- The Anosike Family
- The Anwar Family
- The Armstrong Family
- The Awan Family
- The Barrington Family
- The Beardsworth Family
- Roger Beastall
- The Bentley Family
- Linda Blackburn
- The Bolchover Family
- Marcus Bokkerink
- Ben Bowles and Family
- The Bramer Family
- The Chan Family
- The Connell Family
- The Dable Family
- The Dang Family
- Nigel Davenport
- The De Lange Family
- The Downes Family
- Harrison Edmonds
- Stephen Elder
- The Farr Family
- The Farrington Family
- Richard Fawcett
- The Fehily Family
- The Ferguson Family
- The Findlay Family
- Jonathan Fogerty
- Anna Wicking and Paul Freeman
- The Freeman Family
- Mark Geller
- The Gething Family
- The Gibson Family
- Waseem Gill
- The Grace Family
- The Gumbley Family
- The Gupta Family
- The Halliwell Family
- Stephen & Diane Hawkins
- The Hinduja Family
- Jessica Houghton
- The Iqbal Family
- Hiatham Javaid
- Mike & Jean Jones
- Sally & Simon Jones
- The Jones Family
- The Keeling Family
- The Kerecsenyi Family
- The Knight Family
- Alex Kozak
- Francis Lam
- The Lam Family
- The Lamb Family
- Martin Lodge
- The Lui Family
- Akeel Malik
- Emma Kilheeney McSherry & Graeme McSherry
- The Medlicott Family
- The Mellor Family
- Grant Mitchell
- Ibrahim Mohammed
- Ismail Mohammed
- The Mohammed Family
- The Mottershead Family
- The Nadarajah Family
- The Naeem Family
- The Nazir Family
- The Nichani Family
- The Olsson-Gibb Family
- The Patel Family
- The Platt Family
- The Pochin Family
- The Pollitt-Lam Family
- The Polozova Family
- The Rahman Family
- The Ravi Family
- The Rawson Family
- Howard Read and Family
- The Rochford Family
- James Rose
- Nicholas Rose
- The Rosenthal Family
- Anton Ross
- The Saleem Family
- The Shah Family
- The Sheridan Family
- The Simpson Family
- The Singh Family
- The Strauss Family
- The Super Family
- The Teh Family
- The Temkin Family
- The Thistlewood Family
- Robert Titterington
- Sebastian Vega-Hidalgo
- The Vij Family
- The Wagstaffe Family
- Ben Walker
- The Wareing Family
- Mark Warman
- Adrian Waterson
- Lisa Murphy and Mike Watkinson
- The Whitaker Family
- Stephen White
- David Wilkinson
- Ian Wilson
- Peter Watkins
- The Wong Family
- Julie Wright
- The Yip Family
- The Zaman Family