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Thank you for your interest in The Manchester Grammar School.

We are currently advertising for the following vacancy:

Library Assistant (Part-time)

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For further information contact:

Catherine Berry
Recruitment Office

0161 224 7201 extension 800


Gender Pay Gap Report

As an employer with more than 250 employees, the School is required by law to carry out Gender Pay Gap Reporting under the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017. The data is published both on the Government website for gender pay reporting and here on our own website.

Using the hourly rates of pay of all male and female employees, the School has a mean pay gap of 11.52%, and a median pay gap of 10.80%.

The percentage of male and female employees in each pay quartile are as follows:


  Male Female
  % %
Upper Quartile



Upper Middle Quartile
53 47
Lower Middle Quartile
44 56
Lower Quartile
40 60


As an employer with more than 250 employees, the School is required by law to carry out Gender Pay Gap Reporting under the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017. The data is published both on the Government website for gender pay reporting and here on our own website.

Using the hourly rates of pay of all male and female employees, the School has a mean pay gap of 13.28%, and a median pay gap of 16.74%.

The percentage of male and female employees in each pay quartile are as follows:


  Male Female
  % %
Upper Quartile



Upper Middle Quartile
48 52
Lower Middle Quartile
50 50
Lower Quartile
35 65


As an employer with more than 250 employees, the School is required by law to carry out Gender Pay Gap Reporting under the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017. The data is published both on the Government website for gender pay reporting and here on our own website.

Using the hourly rates of pay of all male and female employees, the School has a mean pay gap of 12.14%, and a median pay gap of 8.85%.

The percentage of male and female employees in each pay quartile are as follows:
  Male Female
  % %
Upper Quartile
54 46
Upper Middle Quartile
49 51
Lower Middle Quartile
53 47
Lower Quartile
35 65

Difference in mean bonus pay is 4.91% and the difference in median bonus pay is 0%. 50.34% of male employees received a bonus. 33.15% of female employees received a bonus.