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Support MGS


Support the MGS Trust Bursary Now Appeal (Charity No. 526654)

Support the Sixth Form Centre Appeal (Charity No. 529909)

Support Us


The MGS Trust and The Manchester Grammar School Foundation are both educational charities.  The School was founded in 1515 by Hugh Oldham, Bishop of Exeter, to provide an education of the highest quality for those who qualified by their intelligence and potential, regardless of parental income and background.

Since the removal of the state-funded Assisted Places Scheme in 1998, thanks to donations from Old Mancunians, parents and supporters, the bursary funds managed by the MGS Trust have grown to over £30m. One sixth of the pupils in the School receive means-tested financial help, with the average support being 94% of the school fee. This is a remarkable achievement but in spite of the success that we have achieved, we regret that each year we are disappointing about 40 deserving boys for whom we have insufficient funds.

Whilst always being mindful of the importance of keeping school fees as low as possible, so that we can maintain access to the School without compromising the quality of the education we offer, we seek to invest sensibly in our facilities and site, thinking both of the needs of boys currently in the School, and those of the generations to come.  Periodically the Development Office fundraises to improve our facilities. We are currently raising funds for a new Sixth Form Centre and Sports Pavilion.

We hope that our supporters will include the MGS Trust and The MGS Foundation amongst their chosen charities in the coming years and give according to their means.