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Our Supporters
Our alumni, parents and supporters have been incredibly generous towards the School throughout its history and in particular since the removal of the Assisted Places Scheme in 1997. We are enormously grateful to all of our donors who, through their generosity, enable the School to provide an education of the highest quality to suitably able boys. There have been over 4000 individual donors to the School and the Bursary Fund since 1997. All donors of £5,000 or more are invited each year to the Benefactors’ Lunch.
Old Mancuncians
- John Attenborough
- Fred Button
- Thomas Nettleship
- Frederick Short
- Alfred Ridler
- Gilbert Duxbury
- Henry Enion
- Herbert Hargreave
- James Hardman
- John Peel
- Richard Brennand
- William Boardman
- Alan Halliwell
- Herbert Castle
- Joseph Gould
- Thomas Milns
- Charles Gradwell
- Denis Holden
- Harry Cass
- Jan Lewando
- Norman Barnes
- Robert Robson
- William Holt
- Arthur Etchells
- Colin Miller
- Henry Dreyfus
- Hugh Mellor
- Arthur Bullough
- Clifford Tomkins
- Frank Kershaw
- Geoffrey Barlow
- Geoffrey Wilson
- Herbert Isherwood
- John Barber
- John Gibson
- Noel Robinson
- Philip Wilson
- Ralph Hall
- Sydney Renshaw
- Brian Hickey
- Charles Power
- Cyril Monk
- Harry Fidler
- Kenneth Hepburn
- Kenneth Norris
- Kenneth Walker
- Eric Saxon
- James Hartley
- Northage Mather
- William Swann
- Donald Shasha
- Henry Button
- Robert Moss
- Robert Shaw-Dunn
- Victor Kiernan
- W A Lang
- Arthur Ellis
- Arthur Staton
- Donald Hall
- Eric Barrett
- George Helliwell
- Ian Bailey
- James Hornbrook
- John Catlow
- John Thornton
- Philip Greenhalgh
- Ronald McLachlan
- Ronald Norris
- Alan Marsland
- Albert Yoxall
- Alfred Rafferty
- Arthur Pearson
- Douglas Thomson
- Emyr Roberts
- Gordon Tattersall
- Henry Bagshaw
- John Brown
- John Walker
- John Walton
- Kenneth Turpin
- Norman Roscoe
- Ralph Howles
- Ralph Walker
- Robert Gardner
- Ronald Lloyd
- Victor Leighton
- William Stephens
- Anthony Ashton
- Arthur Hobson
- Brian Wilson
- David Finney
- Denis Palmer
- Donald Moss
- Eric Greenhalgh
- Ernest Wright
- Frank Cole
- George Higham
- George Whitehead
- Harry Alcock
- Ivor Jenkins
- Leo Pliatzky
- Percy Lawson
- Peter Rees
- Philip Harris
- Reginald Buckley
- Richard Sandbach
- Ronald Dawson
- Vale Stevens
- Aaron Goodman
- Albert Watkiss
- Arthur Morris
- Denis Jezzard
- Dennis Berry
- Donald Cornthwaite
- Edward Hattersley
- Eric Kime
- Ernest France
- Geoffrey Williams
- Gordon Caldwell
- Harry Lawton
- Jimmy Elsdon
- Kenneth Newis
- Neil Tomkinson
- Peter Forrester
- Sidney Rose
- Stanley Drapkin
- Bryan Ranft
- Geoffrey Stone
- Harold Copeman
- Ian Callan
- John Bidder
- John Blamey
- Norman Hewitt
- Peter Smart
- Ralph Raffles
- Richard Fritzsche
- Robert Ashworth
- Robert Palmer
- Sidney Eden
- William Baird
- Cecil James
- Charles Davis
- Derek Barrowcliff
- Diran Mikaelian
- Eric Brogan
- Ernest Houghton
- Frank Shepherd
- George Billinge
- George Milner
- Gerard Moxon
- Gordon Douglas
- Jack Berry
- John Wolstenholme
- Lionel Black
- Malcolm Chamberlain
- Norman Elliott
- Norman Highton
- Peter Alston
- Peter Medcalf
- Robin Jones
- Ronald Wilkinson
- Sidney Johnson
- William Cartledge
- William Shercliff
- Alfred Shaw
- Bernard Gilchrist
- Christopher Hilton
- Clifford Pagdin
- Edward Tweedale
- Eric Dodson
- Ernest Adams
- Geoffrey Feldman
- Geoffrey Head
- George Watts
- George Wolstenholme
- Harold Robinson
- Harry Mainwaring
- Henry Marsden
- Hugh Platt
- Hugh Wynn
- John Longworth
- John Miller
- John Miller
- John Moss
- Noel Taylor
- Percy Jewsbury
- Peter Batterley
- Robert King
- Robert Ledger
- Thomas Riley
- Alan Chew
- Alexander Dunbar
- Anthony Hatton
- Arnold Crosby
- Colin Harrison
- Edmund Beckett
- Eric Wood
- Frank Cooper
- Geoffrey Campbell
- Geoffrey Morton
- George Cantrell
- George Entwisle
- Gerhard Wolf
- Harold Dalton
- Issac Haffner
- James O'Connor
- John Chaplin
- John Dickinson
- Kenneth Oldham
- Michael Anderton
- Michael Horwich
- Norman Hampson
- Reg Claber
- Robert Curl
- Robert Willan
- Sydney Dobson
- Thomas Beswick
- Tony Sherring
- Victor Holt
- Wallace Greenhalgh
- William Caulfield
- William Stott
- Allan Gilmour
- Arnold Brownsett
- Arthur Maddocks
- Aubrey Snowise
- Cyril Doughty
- David Holloway
- David Stubington
- Dudley Wilson
- Edward Bamforth
- Eric Saunders
- Frank Midgley
- Geoffrey Butterworth
- George Borrington
- George Walker
- Jeffrey Kay
- John Armstrong
- John Jamieson
- John Whitaker
- Joseph Needoff
- Kenneth Rigby
- Kenneth Rowley
- Norman Statham
- Norman Stocks
- Peter Lawson
- Peter Pimblett
- Philip Daintree
- Ralph Tonge
- Richard Whalley
- Robert Ashton
- Robert Fallows
- Roger Kingsley
- Ronald Manning
- William Glover
- Alexander Cruickshank
- Anthony Goulty
- Anthony Stocks
- Basil Gilbert
- Bernard Goodman
- Bert Ridge
- David Odabashian
- Derek Lomax
- Frank Thewlis
- Frank Tunstall
- George Fildes
- Gerald Walkden
- Harold Meek
- Harry Broadmeadow
- James Creswell
- John Hydes
- Joseph Jaffe
- Joseph Newton
- Keith Brocklehurst
- Patrick Brooks
- Peter Bracewell
- Peter Brown
- Roger Hanna
- Roy Holland
- Walter Riley
- William Barlow
- Alan Rigby
- Alan Swindells
- Arthur Mason
- Bernard Handley
- Bernard Knowles
- Bernard Rothmer
- Bruce Prout-Richardson
- Charles Forster
- Denis Baker
- Donald Baird
- Donald Major
- Donald Silverwood
- Ernest Ryecroft
- Francis Liddell
- Geoffrey Norris
- George Albiston
- Henry Jones
- James Emerson
- John Irwin
- John Jackson
- John Nichols
- Kenneth Rippon
- Michael Harrison
- Neville Cryer
- Norman Cousins
- Norman Evans
- Peter Collins
- Peter Goldstone
- Philip Davies
- Richard Sykes
- Ronald Wasey
- Samuel Royce
- Stewart Johnson
- William Higginson
- Alan Cockayne
- Alan Shimmin
- Alfred Bourne
- Arthur Watterson
- Bryan Nagle
- Charles Griffiths
- Derek Buckler
- Frank Alcock
- Frank Burd
- Frank Thomson
- Geoffrey Stout
- Gordon Vincent
- Hubert Royle
- James McFarlane
- John Archer
- John Bell
- John Shaw
- John Shepherdson
- Kenneth Lloyd
- Kenneth Norris
- Peter Burger
- Peter Pepper
- Robert Glen
- Robert Hemmings
- Roger Eaton
- Roy Foster
- Stephen Wallwork
- Thomas Markus
- William Ashley
- William Trevor
- Arnold Ashbrook
- Bob Nuttall
- Cedric Loxley
- Charles Crabtree
- Daniel Binnion
- Derek Jepson
- Derek Tunnicliffe
- Desmond Evans
- Donald Anderton
- Donald Davidson
- Ernest Barlow
- Frank Barrow
- Frank Somerville
- Geoffrey Payman
- John Dalby
- John Dean
- John Evans
- John Howe
- John Stewart
- Kenneth Allen
- Kenneth Statham
- Michael Hall
- Peter Byrom
- Peter Hodgkins
- Philip James Roberts
- Raymond Fell
- Richard Zimmern
- Thomas Booth
- Thomas Buckley
- Timothy Marshall
- Alan Shenton
- Brian Kitson
- Charles Townley
- Colin Parrack
- David Chaplin
- David Rogers
- Derek Teare
- Eric Mountain
- Frederick Whittaker
- Harry Eastwood
- James Leeming
- Jeffery Eastwood
- John Mason
- John Milne
- John Travis
- John Turner
- Neville Pole
- Peter Holden
- Peter Rhodes
- Richard Wilkinson
- Roy Ellwood
- Scott Middleton
- Tom Dooley
- William Johnstone
- Albert Wilson
- Alfred Ellis
- Allan Palmer
- Andrea Christian
- Anthony Barlow
- Arnold Bodmer
- Ben Hytner
- Bob Heys
- Brian Abrams
- Brian Hall
- Charles Stewart
- David Simpson
- David Taylor
- Dean Wilde
- Dennis Bottomley
- Donald Oswald
- Eric Stuffins
- Frederick Charlesworth
- Geoffrey Gregory
- George Wells
- Gordon Smith
- Gordon Taylor
- Granville Mills
- Ian Shepherd
- Jack Leon
- Jim Pearson
- John Binner
- John Bleasdale
- John Bolter
- John Kenyon
- Peter Dutton
- Peter McKelvie
- Philip Parker
- Robert Howell
- Roy Sudlow
- Sydney Downs
- Tim Hall
- Vivian Labaton
- William Peberdy
- Alan Brown
- Angus Coutie
- Bernard Pickerill
- Brian Berry
- Charles Lightfoot
- David Owen
- Derek Blain
- Derek Owen
- Duncan Rutter
- Eric Roditi
- Ernest Forster
- Francis Corney
- George Buckley
- Harold Franks
- Hugh Rolfe
- James Broadhurst
- John Arnold
- John Fallows
- John Horsfall
- John Newton
- John Wheeldon
- John Wilson
- Joseph Cantley
- Lucien Lewis
- Mark Freeman
- Michael Atiyah
- Michael Goldman
- Michael Jaquiss
- Neville Critchley
- Peter Dawson
- Peter Knowles
- Philip Barnes
- Roderick Simpson
- Sefton Samuels
- Alan Samuels
- Alan Turner
- Andrew Markus
- Arthur Bennett
- Author Dunton
- Barry Halpern
- David Clegg
- David Gandy
- David Harlow
- David Yarwood
- Frank Murphy
- Frederick Purslow
- Geoffrey Fink
- Geoffrey Sansome
- George Blackman
- Gerald Caplan
- Gordon Webster
- Graham Inskip
- Ian Ashworth
- Jim Putz
- John Bowran
- John Southworth
- Keith Morgan
- Martin Tobias
- Michael Bowker
- Michael Casson
- Michael Waterhouse
- Philip Bury
- Ray Horsfall
- Roger Butterworth
- Ronald Buckley
- Stanley Evans
- Terence Caro
- Brian Evans
- Brian Taylor
- Charles Pollick
- David Counsell
- David Lloyd
- Donald McLaren
- Douglas Brown
- Eric Layland
- Forbes Catto
- Frank Parry
- Geoff Colton
- Geoffrey Hardern
- Gerard Boyle
- Gordon Limb
- Gordon McKinna
- Harry Brunt
- Howard Simpson
- Ian Reekie
- Ivor Rowe
- Jim Mundell
- John Holloway
- John K Woods
- Kenneth Featherstone
- Kenneth Stockdale
- Louis Rapaport
- Michael Townley
- Peter Barber
- Peter Zentner
- Philip Critchley
- Richard Bannister
- Richard Lowe
- Robert Collinge
- Rodney Cadman
- Terence Casey
- Tony Dyson
- William Monks
- Alan Bott
- Alan Buckley
- Alan Dakeyne
- Andrew Caro
- Arthur Egmore
- Brian Ashworth
- Brian Baldwin
- Brian Bennett
- Brian Finch
- Brian Palmer
- Brian Taylor
- Brian Williams
- Charles Boak
- David Faulkner
- Derek Sowter
- Derek Torrington
- Douglas Rossington
- Edward Eaves
- Francis Oliver
- Frank Pearson
- Geoffrey Rivett
- Gordon Percival
- Ian Boyd
- Ivor Smith
- James Barrow
- James Welsby
- John Brocklebank
- John Freeman
- John McCarthy
- John Rigby
- Keith Gardiner
- Keith Winpenny
- Kenneth Johnston
- Kenneth Kiernan
- Michael Challenor
- Peter Binnion
- Peter Brearley
- Robert Hill
- Sarkis Zeronian
- Stanley Blaiwais
- Alan Jones
- Alan Percival
- Alan Turner
- Antony Adler
- Brian Clegg
- David Dew-Hughes
- Derek Andrew
- Geoffrey Morris
- Harold Kelner
- Ian Davidson
- Ian McLean
- Ian Thornton
- James Morrell
- James Watt
- John Bowman
- John Whalley
- Keith Foster
- Michael Bottomley
- Noel Ashworth
- Noel Thompson
- Paul Conder
- Peter Collinson
- Peter Cook
- Peter Cunningham
- Peter Schofield
- Reginald Barnes
- Robert Coffey
- Robert Slater
- Robin Charlton
- Ron Carr
- Stewart Platts
- Stuart Earnshaw
- Victor Shorrocks
- Angus Peterson
- Anthony Charlesworth
- Anthony Hughes
- Barry Akid
- Brian Green
- Brian Kennedy
- Brian Smith
- Cedric Finch
- Chris Burd
- David Hammond
- David Hopson
- David Riley
- Derek Murphy
- Derek Swindells
- Donald Piper
- Donald Roberts
- Eric Morris
- Ian Dugdale
- Ian Millar
- James Howell
- John Cheetham
- John Cowling
- John Leech
- John Mutch
- John Partington
- John Saunders
- Keith Humphreys
- Keith Perrett
- Malcolm Allan
- Manfred Brod
- Martin Davies
- Martin Hughes
- Neville Ford
- Norman Hartley
- Peter Broomhead
- Philip Cowen
- Roger Walker
- Stephen Wood
- Thomas Barlow
- Thomas Webb
- William Hankinson
- Alan Dick
- Alan Garner
- Alan Hooley
- Albert Ince
- Aloke Sen
- Arthur Brunnschweiler
- Arthur Hinsley
- Bob Coupe
- Brian Cooke
- Brian Norman
- Brian Outram
- David Turner
- Derek Parry
- Dickie Wiseman
- Donald Montague
- Frederick Hall
- George Hay
- Graham Downing
- Grahame Simmonds
- James Muckle
- Jim Wardle
- John Ainsworth
- John Arnall
- John Cane
- John Macdonald
- John Shore
- Keith Slater
- Michael Sargent
- Michael Scaife
- Peter Norgrove
- Peter Southern
- Peter Whitby
- Peter Wolstenholme
- Rostron Berry
- Sidney Tobias
- Simeon Rydz
- Walter Bodmer
- Alan Pearson
- Andrew Reekie
- Anthony Redford
- Barry Downing
- Brian Lowe
- Brian Platt
- Brian Sutcliffe
- Charles Gibbon
- Christopher Beswick
- Christopher Williams
- David Hartley
- David Pomfret
- David Silverman
- David Wyatt
- Donald Seanor
- Donald Wild
- Edmund Wilkinson
- Eric Hunsley
- Frank Rhodes
- Geoffrey Williams
- George Baddeley
- George Milne
- Harry Liddle
- Ian Crompton
- John Gardner
- John Horsfield
- John Lindley
- John Penney
- John Rowe
- John Thornley
- Keith Goddard
- Kenneth Teare
- Mac Elder
- Malcolm Fletcher
- Michael Brent
- Michael Jepson
- Michael Leach
- Michael Lee
- Michael Richardson
- Peter Sutcliffe
- Philip Johnston
- Richard Fawcett
- Robert Winterbottom
- Rodney Pollitt
- Roger Cresswell
- Toby Norris
- William Ratcliffe
- Andrew Round
- Anthony Earlam
- Anthony Long
- Christopher Ehrhardt
- David Murray
- David Ravenscroft
- David Reddish
- David Stafford
- Denis & Sandra Woodhead
- Denis Woodhead
- Derek Norman
- Douglas Wilson
- Frederic Barash
- Geoffrey Bubb
- Geoffrey Priest
- Geoffrey Spiby
- Graham Haslam
- Graham Slack
- James Muckle
- James Stott
- John Davies
- John Rogerson
- John Tame
- Kenneth Whitworth
- Michael Jacobs
- Mike Bowtell
- Neville Bass
- Peter Rippon
- Robert Brunt
- Roderick Allison
- Tony Segal
- Alan Robinson
- Anthony Waring
- Carlton Stanger
- Cedric Caygill
- David Franks
- Den Dover
- Frank Andrew
- Geoff Fox
- Geoffrey Hartley
- Gordon Johnston
- Ian Poyser
- Ian Wiseman
- John Farquharson
- John Geddes
- John Jordan
- John Naylor
- John Pearson
- John Stansfield
- Ken Bowden
- Neil Prestwich
- Paul Connolly
- Peter Downes
- Peter Jennings
- Ralph Harrison
- Robin Adams
- Rodney Nash
- Ron Naylor
- Stephen Bowker
- Sydney Lenssen
- Thomas Kerr
- Thomas Timmins
- Walter Stead
- William Lee
- Alec Elmer
- Anthony Henshaw
- Anthony Sareen
- Arnold Thackray
- Arthur Baskerville
- Brian McEwen
- Charles Frieze
- Clive Stott
- David Gearey
- David Goldberg
- David Jackson
- David Kite
- David Moore
- David Wilde
- David Wilkinson
- Geoffrey Burrows
- George Seddon
- Ian Elliott
- Ian Warman
- John Elce
- John Hollerton
- Keith Davies
- Keith Rutter
- Kenneth Cooke
- Kenneth Griffiths
- Kenneth Hanmer
- Kenneth Ravenscroft
- Michael Aspinall
- Neil Saville
- Paddy Montague
- Peter Barnes
- Peter Gresty
- Peter Hamlin
- Peter J Massey
- Peter Sampson
- Peter Thickbroom
- Peter Wiseman
- Richard Yeomans
- Roger Gee
- Timothy Wiseman
- Tony Bethell
- Tony Revington
- Alan Boulton
- Alan Corbishley
- Alan Smith
- Alex Robinson
- Anthony Heald
- Barrie Ford
- Christopher Richardson
- Colin Duff
- David Chadwick
- David Crabtree
- David Haines
- David Oxley
- Garry Hambleton
- Geoffrey Sherrocks
- Graham Simpson
- Harry Venet
- John Betts
- John Capper
- John Hamer
- John Rutter
- John Wild
- Keith Lainton
- Ken Parry
- Kit Hardwick
- Laurence Megson
- Leonard Brown
- Martin Shaw
- Martin Stern
- Michael Clegg
- Michael Holland
- Michael Neal
- Michael Vavrinek
- Norman Bardsley
- Peter Hall
- Peter Schick
- Philip Brown
- Richard Airey
- Robert Briercliffe
- Robin Coatman
- Roger Pritchard
- Stephen Lomas
- Sydney Clayton
- Vernon Smith
- Alan Blears
- Brian Wood
- Bruce Fairbanks
- Chris Bullivant
- Colin Austin
- David Andrew
- David Dawson
- David Devons
- David Howe
- David Jefferson
- David Mawdsley
- David Meredith
- David Sagi
- Edward Somerville
- Francis Treuherz
- Geoff Croome
- Geoff Oldham
- Geoffrey Wallwork
- George Carmichael
- Gerald Avison
- Gordon Adshead
- Graham Wardle
- Ian Pidgeon
- Ian Warburton
- Jeffrey Darlington
- John Brimelow
- John Champion
- John Loney
- John Quinn
- Jonathan Goodman
- Keith Bromley
- Kenneth Cooper
- Len Davenport
- Les Clarke
- Leslie Russell
- Malcolm Fidler
- Mark Warman
- Martin Williams
- Neil Slack
- Peter Bennett
- Rodney Hadwen
- Roger Payne
- Roger Phillips
- Russell Holt
- Tony Quinn
- Alfred Archer
- Andrew Hilson
- Barrie Needham
- David Lawson
- Edwin Cox
- Eric Hadfield
- Frank Potter
- George Hobson
- Gordon Isles
- James Millen
- Jan Fidler
- John Albiston
- John Bamforth
- John Porter
- John Somerville
- John Steele
- John Tolley
- Maurice Watkins
- Michael Batson
- Michael Kaiser
- Michael Lewis
- Michael Wansborough
- Michael Yates
- Peter Bennett
- Peter Borrows
- Philip Richardson
- Ray Lester
- Robin Griffin
- Stephen Booth
- Tim Paulger
- Tom Evenson
- Victor Bradbury
- William Walker
- Adrian Yonace
- Allan Hall
- Christopher Scott
- David Adams
- Francis Bowden
- Hugh Reekie
- Ian McFarland
- Ian Nuttall
- Ian Prendergast
- John Finney
- John Murdoch
- John P Smith
- John W Smith
- John Weller
- John Wilson
- Jonathan Harrison
- Leon Howard
- Leslie Coop
- Michael Dearden
- Michael Rawsthorn
- Mike Baldwin
- Roger Jones
- Timothy Benoy
- Tony Haworth
- Trevor Guthrie
- Andrew Hunt
- Bob Miller
- Clive Garston
- David Cowburn
- David Hibbitt
- David Peel
- David Sewart
- David Stott
- David Stratton
- Donald Watts
- Gavin Mason
- Graeme Bullock
- Ian Hazlehurst
- Ian Potts
- Jim Potter
- John Bardsley
- John Hill
- John Leyland
- John Owen
- John Shippen
- John Wild
- Julian Chadwick
- Karl Jonietz
- Keith Burton
- Malcolm Bridge
- Michael Doodson
- Michael Golberg
- Michael Goodman
- Michael Stone
- Oliver Braddick
- Patrick Brown
- Paul Dyson
- Peter Fallows
- Peter Gill
- Peter Hills
- Philip Wardle
- Richard Harper
- Robin Wignall
- Roger Fletcher
- Roger Hall
- Stephen Elder
- Trevor Taylor
- William Silversides
- Alan Jones
- Christopher Derry
- David Rumbelow
- David Saxon
- David Sherburn
- David Thompson
- David Whiteley
- Geoffrey Hawley
- George Needham
- Gordon Gilchrist
- Graham Smith
- Harry J Birks
- Ian Philipson
- Ivor Crewe
- Jeffrey Barnes
- John Copley
- John Suschitzky
- John Williams
- Lionel Glassey
- Mark Casson
- Martin Gardner
- Martin Prior
- Martyn James
- Michael Clyne
- Michael Cohen
- Michael Eastwood
- Michael Robinson
- Michael Wood
- Neville Ross
- Peter Gowling
- Robert Nurton
- Robert Powell
- Rodney Waters
- Roger Luntz
- Ronald Bell
- Arnold Fairless
- Arthur George
- Brian Hall
- Chris Harvey
- Christopher Thomas
- Dave Collins
- David Butterworth
- David Smart
- Geoffrey Allen
- Geoffrey Cohen
- Geoffrey Holt
- Howard Klass
- Howard Lomax
- Howard Robinson
- Ian Godwin
- Ian Wilson
- John Hobson
- John Packer
- John Spechko
- Kenneth Holt
- Laurence Copeland
- Martin Vince
- Mike Antrobus
- Mike Jones
- Peter Horsfall
- Peter Ogden
- Ralph Seeley
- Robert Shields
- Tony Lemon
- Tony Richardson
- Anthony Morris
- Brian Clifton
- Chris Holden
- Christopher Parkinson
- David Brain
- David Hughes
- David Marks
- David O'Neill
- David Oakes
- David Taylor
- Douglas Holt
- Frank Story
- Frank Webster
- Geoff Brogan
- Geoffrey McLeish
- George Browning
- Gerald Broadbent
- Graham Stephenson
- Guy Goodwin
- Ian Barker
- Ian Simpson
- John Barrow
- John McIlwain
- John Reddihough
- Jonathan Manson
- Julian Treuherz
- Keith Geary
- Kenneth Mayhew
- Mark Saxon
- Martin Allweis
- Martin Sabine
- Michael Collier
- Michael Lowe
- Michael Roberts
- Michael Welland
- Mike Johnson
- Mike Meredith
- Oliver Smyth
- Paul Donald
- Philip Bellamy
- Philip Durden
- Richard Byrne
- Richard Searle
- Robert Richman
- Rodney Oliver
- Stephen Kaiser
- Stephen Morley
- Stephen Schaefer
- Stephen Schaefer
- William Morley-Scott
- Anthony Stark
- Brian Simister
- Clive Newton
- David Costain
- David Hargreaves
- David Lewis
- David Ritchie
- Graham Nicholson
- Harvey Sagar
- John Hawkins
- Jonathan Goldberg
- Keith Sugden
- Martin Green
- Michael Wood
- Neville Goodman
- Paul Bellan
- Paul Gelling
- Peter De La Wyche
- Peter Hutchinson
- Peter Sherwood
- Philip Blanshard
- Philip Newall
- Richard Siddall
- Robert Hoult
- Robert Sterling
- Roger Ackroyd
- Roger Lee
- Roger Millman
- Roger Perkin
- Ronald Crompton
- Stewart Kent
- Alan Dean
- Anthony Gregory
- Charles Pollick
- Chris Dunabin
- Clement Goldstone
- Dave Nicholas
- Dave Stott
- David Allen
- David Killion
- David Pearson
- David Rose
- Eric Pratt
- Geoffrey Howe
- Gerald Epstein
- Graham Thomas
- Howard Simpson
- Ian Dennis
- James Newey
- Meredith Lloyd-Evans
- Michael Bateman
- Michael Dittner
- Norbert Klein
- Paul Midgley
- Paul Rose
- Paul Sedgwick
- Philip Sharpe
- Richard Stark
- Robin Ellison
- Tony Drake
- Alan Bowden
- Alan Jones
- Andrew Davenport
- Clifford Cocks
- David Brunt
- David Kaye
- David Ziff
- Eldon Pethybridge
- Fraser Steel
- Gordon Ashworth
- Howard Davies
- Howard Rosenberg
- Howard Stubbings
- Ian Barrison
- Ian Mitchell
- John Birkby
- John Bramhall
- John Green
- John Hughes
- John Reddish
- John Statham
- Keith Westley
- Kevin Claber
- Malcolm Williamson
- Michael Stern
- Paul Broady
- Paul Lees
- Paul Ormerod
- Peter Halmer
- Peter Smith
- Philip Crow
- Philip Hall
- Ralph Price
- Richard Morgan
- Robert Carter
- Robin Dilks
- Roger Hesp
- Roger May
- Stephen Lavers
- Stephen White
- Steve Giles
- Alan Warhurst
- Alistair Ricketts
- Charles Burnett
- Charles Overstall
- Chris Diggines
- Chris O'Brien
- David Artingstall
- David Griffiths
- David Low
- David Monks
- David Summersgill
- Hagop Yeramian
- Hedley Calderbank
- Howard Lyons
- Ian Rae
- Ian Thorpe
- John Campbell
- John Hargreaves
- John Sellers
- Ken Newing
- Leslie Goldman
- Mark Ashworth
- Neil Wild
- Pat Spicer
- Paul Rubert
- Peter Gordon
- Philip Boden
- Richard Rowland
- Robert Noble
- Roger Davies
- Roger McCormick
- Stephen Blank
- Stephen Davis
- Stephen Graham
- Stephen Illingworth
- Stephen Schofield
- Ted Cadman
- Trevor Gaunt
- Alan Goodacre
- Andrew Shercliff
- Anthony Marsh
- Anthony Wood
- Charles Wander
- Clive Lindemann
- Colin Williams
- David Barnes
- David Buckley
- David Derbyshire
- David Phillips
- Gerald Halon
- Glenville Brook
- Graham Holliday
- Howard Druce
- Ian Gemmell
- John Durham
- Jonathan Pearlman
- Keith Dalby-Oldham
- Kevin Geary
- Martin Kay
- Michael Myerson
- Nicholas Prest
- Peter Berry
- Peter Blake
- Philip Bartle
- Richard Henshaw
- Richard Tapsfield
- Robert Campbell
- Roger Bryan
- Stephen Kirkham
- Steven Conway
- Steven Shuttleworth
- Stuart Bamforth
- Alan Greatbatch
- Alan MacGregor
- Colin Walton
- Colin Williams
- Danny Wolfson
- George Battrick
- Glyn Smith
- John Ratcliffe
- Jonathan Diggines
- Kenneth Robbie
- Michael Rothwell
- Nicholas Paxton
- Norman Bailey
- Philip Hargreaves
- Richard Lodge
- Richard Riddell
- Richard Tilsley
- Robert Marcus
- Steven Pimlott
- Victor Croasdale
- Andrew Greenwood
- Barry Morgan
- Bob Davies
- Brian Woolley
- Chris Griffiths
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- Stephen Hawkins
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- John Walton
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- Nick Carter
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- Michael Rothwell
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- Peter Dickinson
- R Scott Johnson
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- Andrew Trevelyan
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- David Walton
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- Anthony Jones
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- David Roxby
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- David R Barker
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- Mark Gartside
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- Benjamin Wood
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- Udobi Nzelu
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- Thomson Staff
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MGS Staff
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- Alex McGrath
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- Judith Shaw
- Judy Robinson
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- Atik Suparti
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- Cuong Dang & Soo Mak
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- Dominic Kay
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- Janice Odumosu
- Janine Barton
- Jason & Janice Chapman
- Jaspal Dua
- Jeffrey Dixon
- Jeffrey Moore
- Jeffrey Paris
- Jennifer Urwin
- Jeremy & Savannah Dable
- Jeremy Fynn & Julie Hunter
- Jerry Truman
- Jifeng Yuan & Mi Zhou
- Jill Lowe
- Jim Howling
- Joanne Berry
- Joanne Hasan
- Joanne Prickett
- John & Ingrid Parker
- John Chan
- John Crosby
- John Greenhough & Julie Papadopoulos
- John Hulbert
- John Marsh
- John Mitchell
- Jonathan & Gwen Hooker
- Jonathan & Katharine Harris
- Jonathan & Kay Fitchew
- Jonathan & Sian Porter
- Jonathan & Susie Diggines
- Jonathan & Vicky Smith
- Jonathan Engler
- Jonathan Murphy
- Joseph Wu & Mei Cheng
- Josephine Kamason
- Julie Critchley
- Julie Hunter
- Julie Ward
- Julie Warden
- Julie Wright
- June Lyons
- Junzhong Gu & Shu Wang Gu
- K Wynne
- Kanwaiprit & Abigail Gill
- Karen Barr
- Karen Dyble
- Karen Hirst
- Karen Peters
- Kate Meir
- Kate Rowson
- Kathryn Blackburn
- Kathryn Trenaman
- Kathyryn Salt
- Keith & Toli Findlay
- Kerry Lee
- Kevin Bilyard
- Kevin Moran
- Khalida Huq
- Kieran & Louise Roberts
- Kiernan Phelan
- Kirti & Aditya Kohli
- Kishore & Kulbinder Mehay
- Krishna Devarakonda & Anuradha Jayanti
- L Shaw
- Lakkondahalli & Sushma Lokesh
- Lance Goldich
- Lee Pye
- Lesley Harrington
- Leslie Windows
- Liam & Sylvia Walshe
- Linda Birkby
- Linda Blackburn
- Lisa Beresford
- Lorraine Muir
- Louis Van der Blom & Kathleen Lagorio
- Louise Richardson
- Lu Rahman
- M Johnson
- M Mizrahi
- M Samuel
- M Shonn
- M V Mehta
- Mahesh Nirmalan
- Mahima Pandey
- Mahtab Karbasi & Digby Harris
- Malcolm & Jane Wilson
- Mandy Williams
- Maneet & Sarita Kapoor
- Manohar Deshpande
- Marc & Jennie Duschenes
- Margaret Croft
- Margaret Mensah
- Marie Carter
- Mario Luca
- Mark & Abbie Stewart
- Mark & Jane Game
- Mark & Michelle Levine
- Mark & Rachel Burns
- Mark & Tracey Sandiford
- Mark Davies
- Mark Dyble
- Mark O'Connor
- Mark Warman
- Martin & Inara Fishwick
- Martin & Sue Shovlin
- Martin Bell
- Martin Lodge
- Martin Poole
- Martin Strzelecki
- Maurice Thompson & Cheryl McMahon
- Maxine Gore
- Mazaffar & Shahnaz Saleem
- Meera Mohindra
- Merton Paul
- Michael & Jennifer Perls
- Michael & Susan Hopkins
- Michael Blackburn
- Michael Caplin
- Michael Field
- Michael Gourley
- Michael Lomas
- Michael McGrath
- Michael Robinson
- Michael Smith
- Michael Surami
- Michael Williamson
- Michelle Dooler
- Michelle Sciama
- Mohammad & Rifat Bashir
- Mohammed Altaf
- Mohammed Amin
- Mohammed Malallah & Nawar Hussain
- Moulinath & Debjani Banerjee
- Murray & Alison Patt
- Murray Lees
- N McWilliams
- Nadim Malik & Cathy Holt
- Najama Butt & Amjad Chaudhary
- Naqi & Sara Shahzad
- Narendra Vora
- Naresh & Rita Abrol
- Neil & Helen Berry
- Neil & Marilyn Fountain
- Nicholas & Alyson Chadwick
- Nicholas & Stephanie Watkin
- Nicholas Braslavsky
- Nicholas Freeman
- Nicholas Rose
- Nick & Johanna Glynne
- Nicola Naylor
- Nicola Stewart
- Nigel & Sara Gourlay
- Nigel Esterkin
- Nigel Maxfield
- Olubodun Oluwadare
- Olumoyin Awogbemi & Olajide Banwo
- Otto Schnurr
- P J Forbes
- P Panchmatia
- P Savile
- P Swift
- Parameshwara Rekha
- Paresh & Lisa Majithia
- Pat Copp-Barton
- Pat Squires
- Patricia Gillett
- Patrick & Jean Cryne
- Patrick Teh & Katherine Chan
- Patrick Thom
- Paul & Carolyn Ross
- Paul & Deborah Francis
- Paul & Heather Medlicott
- Paul & Heather Rooney
- Paul & Jeanette Smith
- Paul Browne
- Paul Bush
- Paul Fusi
- Paul Masterson
- Paul Richmond
- Paul Sargent
- Paul Sherwood & Eva Gonzalez Montalban
- Paul Vallely & Christine Morgan
- Pauline Attree
- Peter & Helen Frank
- Peter & Louise Bennett
- Peter Allen
- Peter Smith
- Phil Forman
- Philip & Fiona Geiger
- Philip & Judith Aspin
- Philip & Louise Fernandez
- Philip Burrows
- Philip Grange
- Philip Hodari
- Philip Smyth
- Poonam Jalota
- Prad Murthy
- Priya Krishnan
- Priya Patel
- Qing Wang
- Qinghua Zhang
- Quentin & Alex Abel
- Quincy & Nkemdilim Chuka
- R L Bolton
- Rahila Khalid
- Raj Ruia
- Rajesh & Shalini Gulati
- Rajkumar & Jaya Nichani
- Rama Mohan & Shadwala Rao
- Rebecca & Iain Laird
- Rebecca Greenhalgh
- Richard & Cath Betts
- Richard & Charlotte Benjamin
- Richard & Georgina Brookshaw
- Richard & Karen Vardon
- Richard Baker
- Richard Cowan
- Richard Norton
- Richard Paver
- Richard Whitelam
- Rimi Bhatia
- Ritwik Raychaudhuri
- Rizwana Nadeem
- Robert & Lorraine Race
- Robert & Susan Lock
- Robert Barlow
- Robert Titterington
- Robin & Lynn Barnard
- Robin & Samantha Bernstein
- Robin Hill
- Roger & Catherine Porter
- Roger & Nataliya Lamb
- Roger Beastall
- Roger Prudham
- Roman Wychrij
- Ronald Buxton
- Ronan O'Driscoll
- Roopal & Manish Shah
- Rozina Ali
- Ruth Stones
- S & J Cunliffe
- S Colgan
- S Ginty
- S Zafar
- Sabena & Zubair Ahmad
- Sabine Turner
- Sachin & Debalina Maiti
- Saeed & Hazra Hafezi
- Sajjad Mahmood
- Salar & Baiman Mahmoud
- Salim Al-Astewani
- Sally Craig
- Sally Gold
- Sally-Anne Heaford
- Samantha Greenhalgh
- Samir & Sonaben Modi
- Samith & Anjali Chadda
- Sandra Jaffe
- Sanjay Shah
- Sanjiv Bhardwaj
- Santhi Chetty
- Sarina & Narendra Kochar
- Sassan Baghai & Vivian Tefert
- Sean & Kath Heathcote
- Selina Arif & Imran Bashir
- Sengottiyan & Poorani Chandrasekaran
- Serena Rochford
- Shabnum Ali
- Shahyda Chaudhry
- Shahzad Naqi & Sara Shahzad
- Sharon Kaberry
- Sharon Mullan
- Sheema & Karim Ahmed
- Shiraz Shakarchy
- Shiv Chouksey
- Shivakumar Krishnamoorthy
- Shuang Zhao & Qi Wang
- Sian Jones-Davies
- Simmone Hewett
- Simon & Hayley Showman
- Simon & Louise Carr
- Simon & Ruth Snader
- Simon & Sarah Campbell
- Simon & Vanessa Clarke
- Simon & Vicky Pooler
- Simon Denyer
- Simon Gould
- Simon Merry
- Simon Shearer
- Sindy Guy
- Sinead Sheehan
- Siu Keong Ng & Yanjiao Liu
- Sofia Luqman
- Solar Kader
- Soumit & Suparna Dasgupta
- Stefan Schumacher Chandrima Sen
- Stephen & Catrina Page
- Stephen & Deborah Waugh
- Stephen & Diane Hawkins
- Stephen & Eliana Blankstone
- Stephen Charles
- Stephen Christmas
- Stephen Elder
- Stephen Lavers
- Stephen Mosley
- Steve & Karen Helsby
- Steven & Marina Ballard
- Steven Allen
- Steven McGarry & Elspeth Giles
- Steven Parfett
- Stuart & Sarah Rushton
- Stuart Marks
- Stuart Sim
- Sufyan Ismail & Rakhila Parveen
- Sunil Ruia
- Suzanne Lurie
- T Batten
- T Twardowski
- Talaivirichan & Bharathi Magadevan
- Tanveer Khan
- Tariq & Azra Chauhan
- Tariq & Emma Malik
- Tazeen Usmani
- Teifion & Gillian Hill
- The Air Family
- The Bramer Family
- The Dable Family
- The Dang Family
- The De Lange Family
- The Dobbs Family
- The Downes Family
- The Halliwell Family
- The Hinduja Family
- The Nadarajah Family
- The Polozova Family
- The Rahman Family
- The Rawson Family
- The Saleem Family
- The Sheridan Family
- The Simpson Family
- The Singh Family
- Thomas Bridgford
- Thomas Haslam
- Thomas Mullarkey
- Tim & Jennifer Raffle
- Tim & Rachel Morris
- Tim Dynevor
- Tim Hamilton
- Timothy Mort
- Toby Nash
- Tom & Eva Hinchliffe
- Tom Bloxham
- Tracey Stewart-Syme
- Ulrich & Elizabeth Veltkamp
- Upeksha Nanayakkara
- Uzma Sheikh
- V L Owens
- Valerie Udom-Emeagi
- Vanathy Raja
- Vicente Orts-Llopis
- Victor Hassan
- Victoria Fernandez
- Victoria Wilson
- Vikas & Neetu Girotra
- Vipasha Joshi
- Virginia Guillemain
- Wai Fong
- Waseem Gill
- William Hewitt
- Winston Kim & Joyce Yeo
- Wuliang Yin & Jane Yang
- X He
- Xianbin Zhou & Shao Wang
- Xiaoxin Luo & He
- Yanzhong Xu & Linda Lin
- Yetunde Bolarin
- Yong Yu Zhang & Yongjing Chen
- Yuk Chan
- Yunus Mohamed
- Ziming & Ling Ling Lan
Charitable Trusts
- AMR Sciama Charitable Trust
- Anderson Consulting Foundation
- Barclays Bank Trust Company
- Bristol Myers Squibb Foundation
- Cecil & Hilda Lewis Charitable Trust
- Garfield Weston Foundation
- GEM Textile MFG Limited
- George Elias Charitable Trust
- HSBC Investment Bank plc
- Hulme Trust Estates
- N M Rothschild & Sons Limited
- NatWest Bank Corporate Banking
- Pannone & Partners
- St Georges Hulme Educational Trust
- Stoller Charitable Trust
- The Accenture Foundation
- The Elizabeth Ferguson Charitable Trust
- The Esmee Fairburn Foundation
- The Ferranti Trust
- The Harrop Charitable Trust
- The Hilda Lowe Trust
- The Marc & Jennie Duschenes Trust
- The Mrs K J Roberts 1967 Trust
- The Prince of Wales Foundation
- The Rainford Trust
- The Sutton Trust
- The Wynne Family Trust
- Umbro International
- W O Street Charitable Foundation
- Zochonis Charitable Trust
Other Supporters
- (In memory of Alan Pearson)
- (In memory of Derek Fraser)
- (In memory of Ian McPherson)
- (In memory of Jack Taylor)
- (In memory of Keith Saunders)
- (In memory of Norman Kendall Horrocks)
- (In memory of Peter Wolstenholme)
- (In memory of Philip Wade)
- (In memory of Roger Breeze)
- (In memory of Roy Fisher)
- (In memory of Steven Pimlott)
- (In memory of Walter Vane)
- 43rd Salford Scouts
- A Bays
- A Benjamin
- A C Hobson
- A Goulding
- A Jennings
- A McPherson
- Adam Caplan
- Adrian Wallace
- Adriano Henney
- Alan Dobkin
- Alan Guest
- Alan Lam
- Alan Ridge
- Alan Robson
- Alan Whitehead
- Albert Wilson
- Alfred Newton
- Alick Leslie
- Aline Perrot
- Alison Hollick
- Amanda Percy
- Andrew Plant
- Andrew Rigby
- Andrew Watkins
- Angela Bowyer
- Angela Pearson
- Ann Bowker IMO Michael Bowker
- Ann Kitson
- Anne Brand
- Anne Hunt
- Anne Key
- Anne Main
- Anne Mollah
- Anthea Kenyon
- Anthony Hughes
- Anthony Wagner
- Assoc of Lancastrians in London
- Avril Reading
- B Allsopp
- B Greene
- B Hall
- Barbara Geller
- Barbara Gibson
- Barbara O'Donoghue
- Barbara Wilkinson
- Barry Dixon
- Barry Evans
- Ben Walker
- Benjamin Jones
- Brenda Walton
- Brian & Christine Daglish
- Brian Links
- Brian Mosley
- Bridget McGing
- Bridget Taylor in memory of David Taylor
- Bryan Bodek
- C Black
- Canopius
- Caroline Jaycock
- Catherine Simpson
- Centrica Centrica
- Chris Morley
- Chris Ponder
- Christopher Baker
- Christopher Chandler
- Christopher Davies
- Christopher Kenyon
- Christopher Morton
- Christos Triantis
- Class of 2009
- Class of 2010
- Class of 2011
- Class of 2012
- Class of 2013
- Class of 2014
- Class of 2015
- Class of 2016
- Class of 2017
- Class of 2018
- Class of 2019
- Cobbetts
- Colin McIntyre
- Contemporary Watercolours
- Cordelia James
- D Davison
- D Foster
- D Gorrie
- D Perry
- D Price
- D Siff
- D Sutherland
- D Whitaker
- D Woodward
- Daphne Shercliff
- Dave & Marjorie Drake
- David & Ruth Trippier
- David & Susan Hibbitt
- David Allan
- David Coveney
- David Cox
- David Hartley
- David Helman
- David King
- David Lewis
- David Richardson
- David Tully
- Dawood Sharif
- Denis & Joan Gaunt
- Dennis Connolly
- Diana Garner
- Diana Hyman
- Diane Casson
- Doreen Metcalf
- Dorothy Andrew
- Dorothy Cooke
- Dorothy Morgan
- Dov Hamburger
- E Cruickshank
- E Hooper
- E Moore
- E Renshaw
- E Robinson
- E Silver
- Edmund Gartside
- Edward Gorton
- Eileen Noble
- Eleanor Bate
- Elizabeth Stoner
- Elizabeth Young
- Elsie Huss
- Elsie May
- Elvyne Pagdin
- Emma Shaw
- Ernest Buckley
- Esther Rippon
- Evleen Mann
- Ewart Lee
- F Frost
- F R Monkhouse Ltd
- Fabian Grant-Mullings
- Fay Stockton
- Frances White
- Frank & Professor Steve Giles
- G Franks
- G Gamlen
- G Hall
- Geoffery Morris IMO Robert Slater
- Geoffrey Hibbert
- George Mason
- George Walker
- Gerry Yeung
- Gideon and Martine Levene
- Gillian Smith
- Glesni Woffenden
- Grant Carson
- Gwen French
- H Higginson
- H Isherwood
- H Mansoor
- H Midwood
- H Solomons
- Hadyn Muston and Janice Ferguson
- Harvey Jacobson
- Helen Lewis
- Helen Shennan
- Herzl Hamburger
- Howard Bernstein
- Howells Railway Products Ltd
- Hugh Shercliff
- I Haq
- I Roberts
- I Thomas
- Iain Paterson
- Ian Leeming
- In memory of Rod Martin
- J Beck
- J Bentley
- J Fidler
- J Goldstone
- J Kevin Mitchell
- J Mercer
- J Moore
- J Schumm
- J Wallace
- J Waterton
- J Wertheimer
- J Yates
- James Edwards
- James Thellusson
- Jane Blank
- Jean Robinson
- Jean Royle
- Jean Towers
- Jennifer & Stanley Hyman
- Jennifer Marsland
- Jianfei Wu
- Jim Chapman
- Jim Ramsbottom
- Joan Harlock
- Joan Taylor
- Joe McCarthy
- John & Audrey Thornton
- John & Gillian Statter
- John & Janet Lancaster
- John Adams
- John Bennett
- John Bond
- John Cook
- John Jesky
- John Kennedy
- John Leckie
- John Saunders
- John Sellers
- John Sless
- John Spyridoulias
- John Warrington
- John Whitehead
- Jonathan Adams
- Jonathan Boddington
- Jonathan Roper
- Joyce Bottomley
- Joyce Foggin
- Jubilee Probus Club
- Judith Brownlee
- Julia Fletcher
- Julie Wright
- K Chapman
- K McAllister
- K Pearce
- Kathleen Wilson
- Kenneth Gardner
- Kenneth Millichap
- Kings Coaches
- Krishna Khatri
- L Harding
- Laughtons Photographic Supplies
- Lawrence Cleary
- Leonard Steinberg
- Linda Collier in memory of Michael
- Linda Radford
- Linda Reynolds
- M Calvert
- M Jenkins
- M Kapadia
- M Kasiri
- M Nott
- M Sanderson
- M Townley
- Madeline Rhodes
- Malcolm Brand
- Malcolm MacAuley
- Margaret Bell
- Margaret Fisher
- Margaret Kahn
- Margaret Morton
- Margaret Waterhouse
- Marian Kearney
- Marian Pimlott
- Marilyn Hyslop
- Marina Herrod
- Marjory Wright
- Mark Jefferies
- Mark Levy
- Marks & Spencer plc
- Martin Roland
- Martin Stephen
- Mary Buckley
- Mary Macpherson
- Mary Mason
- Mary Preston
- Matthew Bennett
- Matthew Priestley Photography Ltd
- May Dickinson
- MGS Art Department
- MGS Bookshop
- MGS Classics Department
- MGS Common Room
- MGS Cricket
- MGS Drama Department
- MGS Junior School
- MGS Music Society
- MGS Parents' Society
- MGS Year 11 Leavers 2019
- Michael & Patricia Holland
- Michael Beloff
- Michael Black
- Michael Cockeram in memory of David Taylor
- Michael Davis
- Michael Foxall
- Michael Hyman
- Michael Lee
- Michael Lees-Jones
- Michael Mc Crudden
- Michael Saunders
- Michael Ward
- Michael Watson
- Michael Willig
- Mike Houghton
- Mike Simon
- Mildred Caulfield
- Miles Ingram
- Mr & Mrs Barry Buxton
- Mr & Mrs C W Maynard
- Mr & Mrs F Aldhouse
- Mr & Mrs K R Warren
- Mr & Mrs M W Kenyon
- Mr & Mrs S R C Bull
- Mr Clarke
- Mr Hughes
- Mr Johnston
- Mr Rhodes
- Mr Shaw
- Mr Usher
- Mrs R Howell IMO Robert
- Muhammad Rehman
- N Black
- N Brook
- N Chadwick
- Nasser Syed and Musharraf Jaffri
- Neil Rosenthal
- Neil Weston
- Neusha Milanian
- Nick and Clare Muir
- Nicola Riley
- Noel Russell
- Norah Fritzsche
- Norman Armstrong-Kersh
- Old Boys Dinner Committee
- Old Mancunians' Association
- Olive Tyldesley
- Olivia Vandyk
- P Cockayne
- P Evans
- P Montague
- P Ventataraman
- Pamela Glover
- Pamela Hall
- Pamela Sinclair
- Pamela Vernon
- Pat Barrow IMO James
- Pat Wells (In memory of Alex Wells)
- Patricia Binnion IMO Peter
- Patricia Goldstone
- Patricia Grice
- Patricia Sargent
- Patricia Webster
- Patricia Wilson
- Paul Hodges
- Paul Lee
- Paul Pearson
- Pauline Barlow
- Personal Legacy Group
- Peter & Ruth Langhorn
- Peter Hardwick
- Peter Johnson
- Peter Laycock
- Peter Lowe
- Peter Renshaw
- Peter Wainwright
- Peter Walkden
- Philip & Heather Jobling
- Philip Smith
- R Fox
- R Furlong
- R Harris
- R Preston
- R Priest
- Rabbi J Hamer
- Ralph Mainard
- Ray & Sheila Lester
- Raymond & Mrs E Bishop
- Raymond Hill
- Really Useful Group Ltd
- Richard Robinson
- Rob Crossland
- Robert Higgo
- Robert Hough
- Robert Jones
- Rodger Pannone
- Roger Yates
- Ronald Robinson
- Ronnie Abrahams
- Rosalie Gorton
- Rosalind Kennedy
- Roy McCarthy Coaches
- Russell Bussey
- Ruth Dean IMO Agnes Parrett
- Ruth Fowler
- Ruth Major
- S Armstrong
- S Boyd
- S Cheesman
- S Hussain
- S Lee
- S T S Al-Hassani
- Salar Kader
- Sarah Palombella
- School Photography Company
- Sebastian De Ferranti
- Shirley Harrop
- Simon & Deidre Gaskell
- Sir Francis Graham-Smith
- Sivori Family
- Sonia Caplan
- Stanley Kalms
- Stephen & Jenny Thomas
- Stephen Lamport
- Su Hawkyard
- Sudhir Kapoor
- Susan Clayton
- Susan Jackson
- Susan Maaz
- Swans Travel
- The Bursary Foundation
- The Loyal and Ancient Corporation of Ardwick
- The Margolis Family
- The Vora Family
- Thomas Middleton
- Tim Hall Memorial Concert
- Timothy Lowe
- Urmston Amateur Swimming Club
- Ursula Ross
- Valerie Foster IMO Keith Foster
- Valerie Wolstenholme
- W Brownlee
- W Chadderton
- W Gill
- W Lang
- William Bromley-Davenport
- Winifred Platt
- Winifred Thomas
- Wyn Philip
- Young Enterprise