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Junior School Entry

We are very proud of the success of our Junior School assessment procedure, and therefore give automatic entry to the Senior School for any pupil who has been taught in our Junior School. There is no requirement to take the Senior School entrance examination.

Applications are welcomed for entry to any of Years 3, 4, 5 or 6, subject to spaces being available. However, if a boy is not offered a place in Years 3, 4 or 5, we ask his parents to wait two years if they wish him to be re-assessed. This allows boys the chance to develop over an appropriate period of time between assessments and to enjoy the teaching they receive in their primary or preparatory school. Any candidate who is unsuccessful for Year 6 entry is welcome to apply for entry to the Senior School at Year 7.

On the day of their assessment boys are taught in groups of up to 10 and take part in a variety of lessons and activities. These include a Maths lesson and a topic-based lesson, and boys are set short tests on what they have learnt. Lesson content is purposefully based on areas boys will not have studied before, as we are looking to identify potential rather than prior learning. This also puts all boys on an equal basis during assessment. Some creative writing is also set.

Assessment Days take place throughout the academic year. However, places fill up in each year group quite quickly, so we advise that applications are made early to give the best possible chance of gaining an offer.

Junior School Entry Admissions Timetable 2024/25

Monday 15 July 2024

Application Form Opens

Tuesday 17 September 2024

Assessment Days Begin (through to early January)

Thursday 26 September 2024

Whole School Open Evening

Saturday 16 November 2024

Whole School Open Morning

Monday 18 November 2024

Application Deadline for Guaranteed Assessment

Friday 24 January 2025

Results Letters Posted

Monday 3 February 2025

Post-Offer Tours

Wednesday 5 February 2025

Offer Acceptance Deadline