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Assessment Days

Our aim is to understand the potential within each boy.

On our Assessment Days each boy spends a day with us, being taught and assessed in a small class. We hold these days as part of our entry process because they give us a clear insight into the potential of each boy to benefit from our approach to teaching and learning.

Members of our teaching staff deliver lessons on topics which boys will not have met before. Boys are then tested on what they have learned. Lessons reflect the normal pace and style of academic life at MGS.

Feedback from boys on our Assessment Days is very positive: they not only enjoy the challenge of the lessons, but also get a flavour of daily life at MGS. Both the boy and the School, therefore, get a more complete picture than an entrance exam or Open Day can provide.

We understand that applicants will have had a disrupted education over recent years due to the ongoing pandemic, but pleased be assured that this is taken into account during our assessment process.

Admissions Booklet for 2024/25 Entry