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Our Aims


The Manchester Grammar School was founded in 1515 ‘to educate the poor boys of Manchester in Godliness and good learning.’ Today we interpret this in the following ways:


  • We offer an education that enables our pupils to lead rich and fulfilled lives beyond their time at the School, but also instils in them the importance of making a positive impact on their community and society more widely.
  • We want to ensure that access to the School is not governed solely by the ability to pay fees and we provide a significant number of places to those from the most disadvantaged backgrounds, including looked after children.



  • We aim to be at the forefront of educational practice, to ensure that we maintain our position as one of the Country’s leading academic schools.
  • We want to grow our bursary provision with the aim that we achieve needs blind admission at some point in our future.



  • To develop and deliver a rich and broad curriculum that prepares pupils for their future lives.
  • To build a caring community of pupils and staff who value each other and celebrate difference.
  • To ensure that bursary provision is given due prominence in terms of its growth and application.
  • To be a lead proponent of the use of technology in education through the development and sharing of best practice.




Learn to think for yourself, learn to think creatively and develop a life-long love of learning and in keeping with the School’s moto, ‘Sapere Aude’, develop the courage to use the understanding you gain from your education.


Feel valued as an individual, and value the individuality of others.


Develop an awareness of the needs of others and treat every member of our community with respect.


Learn to cope when things don’t go well and learn to bounce back after setbacks.


Develop a true sense of service to your community and wider society.