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Junior School Application Form

The main application window for Year 7 and Junior School applications has now passed, however, if you are still interested in applying for these year groups, please contact the Admissions Manager to enquire.

For ease of use, we recommend completing the application form on a computer rather than mobile phone. Please also ensure pop-ups are enabled on your device. If you experience any problems, please contact the Admissions Office and we will be happy to help. 

To apply to the School, please read the information below before completing the online application form.

  • All those with parental responsibility for the child must be named on the form. 
  • Following completion of the application form you will need to email us a copy of your child’s birth certificate and passport, along with a copy of their most recent full school report.
  • Candidates with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) must indicate this on the application form; following completion of the form, you will be asked to email us a copy of the most recent educational psychologist’s report if you have one and any other relevant medical, special needs or educational reports you may have.  
  • If you would like more information about how the Manchester Grammar School uses your personal data then you will find a copy of our Privacy Policy here, along with a copy of the School’s Admissions and other policies.
  • A £48 application fee is payable online at the end of this form. Please do not move away from the application form page until you receive a successful payment message, otherwise your application will not have been successfully submitted.
  • Incomplete application forms cannot be saved for later amendment or submission, so please ensure you have all the required information available.
  • Please only submit an application form a maximum of 18months prior to the child’s proposed start date. All applications received before the deadline will be registered for an assessment.


By completing the online application form you understand, accept and agree that:

  1. Registration of our child as a prospective pupil does not secure our child a place at the School, but does ensure that our child will be considered for selection as a pupil at the School;
  2. If our child is offered a place at the School, such an offer will be subject to the School’s terms and conditions for the provision of educational services, which will bind us (as the holders of parental responsibility for him) in the event and from the moment that we accept the place;
  3. The School will request from our child’s present school or educational institution (a) information and a reference in respect of our child, and/or (b) information about any outstanding fees and/or supplemental charges;
  4. The information provided in this form is true and accurate to the best of our knowledge.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on, or phoning 0161 224 7201 ext. 249 or 234.