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- Brandon Leigh
Governing Body
Brandon Leigh
Brandon is a former MGS pupil and became a governor in 2020. He is now Treasurer and Chair of the Finance and General Purposes Committee. After studying Money, Banking and Finance at Birmingham University, Brandon qualified as a chartered accountant with Deloitte. Brandon then spent most of his career at PZ Cussons Plc, an international fast moving consumer goods business operating in Europe, Asia, Africa and the US, where he was Chief Financial Officer for 13 years, retiring from the board in June 2019 after 21 years with the group.
In May 2022, Brandon was appointed Chief Executive Officer at The Seashell Trust, a charity which educates and cares for children and young adults with complex needs and disabilities, based at its large campus site in south Manchester. Brandon had previously chaired the appeal board at Seashell Trust as part of supporting the charity over a period of 14 years. Brandon is also a volunteer community first responder for North West Ambulance Service, and was previously Deputy Chair and Audit Chair of the Halle Orchestra. Brandon is married to Michelle and has two daughters.