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Art and Design

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We introduce pupils to the visual arts and design through creative and engaging practical projects, priding ourselves on teaching traditional skills and embracing new media.  

Our facilities include: screen printing facilities, printing presses, a photographic dark room, pottery with wheels and casting facilities, specialist computers with design packages and printers, a 3D printer and laser cutter, and so much more. 

Our Junior artists explore creative illustration and making projects. In Lower School, we run a foundation course of skills covering drawing ,colour theory and painting, clay tiles and reduction print in Year 7 moving onto a mini projects including a clay sculpture, a drawn from artists project and pattern development in Year 8. Those who opt to stay in Year 9 meet new media through extended projects developing independent research and starting to generate personal ideas within individual portfolios of work. Our examination pupils do well at both GCSE and A-Level and many go onto study creative subjects at university. 

We offer an array of lunchtime workshops and after-school clubs as well as daily Art drop-in sessions where all sorts of creative activities occur. All pupils and staff are welcome and it is not just those who opt to study the subject to examination level. 

Our artwork adorns displays in the department and across the school. The department manages the school gallery which has regular exhibitions, celebrating the achievements of the pupils and staff. The space is used as an on-site educational resource and live exhibitions often show work in progress and are used as a venue for learning activities. We encourage pupils to participate in both local and national competitions and exhibitions and explore creative opportunities beyond the classroom.

Our teachers and technicians are all subject specialists and active makers who have achieved national recognition for their work, and inspire pupils through sharing their own practice and passion. 


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