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Music Festival 2024

The Manchester Grammar School recently hosted its annual Music Festival on Tuesday, 23rd January. A vibrant celebration of musical talent, the festival saw over 250 pupils participating throughout the day, showcasing their skills across various classes – from Beginner level (pre-Grade 1) to Advanced (Grade 6+). Performances featured a diverse array of instruments, including the French Horn, Acoustic Guitar, Organ, Trombone, Clarinet, and more.

Each participant presented a musical piece lasting up to 5 minutes, captivating an audience of peers, staff members, and an external adjudicator. The festival included entries from students spanning Year 3 to Year 13, ensuring a broad spectrum of musical experiences.

Director of Music, Robert Carey said: “It was a pleasure to welcome our three adjudicators Alice Beckwith (composer, pianist and ABRSM examiner) Sally Bell, (violist and examiner) and Aidan Bradley (Director of Music at Manchester High School for Girls). They were all kept very busy with the 250 + pupils from all parts of the school who had entered on a range of instruments and all gave written and verbal feedback on the performances they heard.

“The event is organised so that there are 4 levels: this ensures that the pupils who enter are heard in classes of approximately equal musical standard and experience regardless of age or year group in school. Piano accompaniments were expertly provided by Miss Claire Dunham, Mrs Helen Butchart and Mr Mercer-Murray.

“In all categories it is wonderful to hear the progress being made by our pupils, even if they are playing after only a few lessons up to pupils who are performing a post grade 8 standard. The important thing is that our pupils feel confident to enter the festival and put themselves in the position of performing in public knowing that they will have a supportive audience from the rest of the class. The adjudicators were impressed, not only with the musical standard, but also the dignified way our pupils conducted themselves as an audience for the classes they were taking part in”.

Robert concluded by saying: “Well done to all those who entered, and congratulations to those who were placed as a winner or a runner-up of a class. A big thank you must go to our wonderful Music Administrator, Mrs Fiona Pozniak, for the immense amount organisation and communication which went into ensuring the event ran smoothly”.