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MGS ISOC Dinner 2024

Thank you to everyone who attended the annual MGS Islamic Society Dinner on Saturday, 23rd March. The event was the first Iftar Dinner held on the school site, welcoming over 240 guests to celebrate the achievements of the Islamic Society over the past year and sharing in the occasion of breaking their fasts. The event started with Ayaan, outgoing Head of Study Circles, reciting verses from the Quran.

Outgoing President Daniel spoke about his time leading the Islamic Society. Recounting on the various events and achievements of the society, he shared how grateful pupils were for the support of MGS in building wudu (ablution) facilities and providing prayer mats. Daniel spoke about the past year and how it has shaped him as not only a Muslim but also a person.

Outgoing Vice-President Ismail spoke about the charitable achievements over the past year, including receiving a national award for contribution, commitment, and services to humanity through raising £20,000 for a Syrian Bread Factory. He spoke about the society’s involvement in the wider MGS community – including the organisation of an inter-faith Bakesale and distribution of sweets to pupils (Muslim and non-Muslim) as part of Eid celebrations last year.

Our first guest speaker, Shehzad Chaudhri (OM 84-91), is a current Director of a property development group in Manchester, sharing his journey as both an MGS Pupil and parent to two Old Mancunians – one of whom left MGS last year. Shehzad spoke about the importance of education and reflecting upon our lives through religious teachings.

Our second guest speaker was Mohammed Ullah. He currently serves as the Muslim chaplain to the University of Manchester and Manchester Metropolitan University, as well as holding the esteemed position of chaplain to Manchester’s first Asian, Muslim and female Lord Mayor. Regarded widely for his commitment to social justice and empowerment within the Muslim community, he emphasised the importance of unity and the significance of Ramadan in allowing us to come together in the face of adversity.

ISOC President Daniel recounted on the dinner, saying: “The 2024 MGS ISOC Dinner was a remarkable event. Working with my team to organise the dinner was difficult given that everyone was fasting during this month of Ramadan. The past year had been particularly difficult for our committee having faced numerous challenges, yet we were able to emerge from them stronger to deliver on our commitment to represent the MGS Muslim community. I’d like to thank the outgoing ISoc committee for their efforts over the last year and hope that the incoming Committee can continue our legacy.’

Well done to the MGS ISoc Committee for organising this event whilst fasting.