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Year 12 pupils excel in Economics

Two year 12 pupils at The Manchester Grammar School have achieved remarkable success in Economics.

Pratham, in year 12, secured an invitation to an exclusive one-week internship programme, The Future Thought Leaders Internship Programme, organised by The Institute of Economic Affairs. During the programme, his team clinched the award for the ‘Best Debate Team’ among all the interns.

Pratham said: “I had the privilege and an incredible opportunity to meet a group of very talented individuals, aspiring to be future economists, at the Institute of Economic Affairs. The Future Thought Leaders Internship program provided a perfect setting to both learn and to debate a variety of topics ranging from classical liberalism, free trade, freedom of speech, free market approaches et al.

“The highlight of the programme undoubtedly was the opportunity to network with and to build bonds with very talented participants who had come from all over the country. The diversity of talent and thoughts in the room led to some intense discussions, and the insights gained from the programme made it a truly rewarding experience".

Pratham concluded: "I also had the honour to not only win our team debate on Whether UK needs an Industrial Policy, but also win the overall Best Debate Team award. I would highly recommend this internship programme to aspiring economists for the diverse and insightful content and discussions”.

Tej, also in year 12, participated in the IEA Monetary Policy Essay Competition, an essay contest organised by the Institute of Economic Affairs. His essay, titled "What causes high inflation, and is the Bank of England responsible for the current inflation episode? If so, how would you make it more accountable?" earned him a spot among approximately 12 sixth formers in the semi-finals at the Vinson Centre, University of Buckingham. Tej presented his essay during the semi-finals, advancing to the finals held a month later at the IEA headquarters in Westminster, London. His outstanding performance led him to secure the overall first runner-up (2nd place) position in the competition, surpassing several hundred entries worldwide. Tej received a monetary prize and a selection of books as recognition for his achievement.

Congratulations to Pratham and Tej for their exceptional accomplishments, which reflect the dedication and excellence of the Economics Department at MGS. They extend their heartfelt appreciation to Ms Iliffe and the Economics Department for their unwavering support.