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Alumni Awards & OM News

The Old Mancunian Alumni Awards honour the exceptional achievements of our former pupils. Recipients of these awards will have demonstrated that Old Mancunians from a wide variety of backgrounds, all with roots at MGS, excel in their chosen fields.

The winner(s) of our Alumni Awards will be announced each year at the Old Boys’ Dinner in November.
Our Old Mancunian Alumni Awards honour the exceptional achievements of our alumni, from those who are established in their careers to those who are just getting started. Recipients embody the spirit of the Old Mancunian community across the generations.
Our previous award recipients can be viewed on the MGS Life website
Read the latest version of The Old Mancunian magazine to see previous nominees and winners

The corridors of MGS are lined with countless photographs of Old Mancunians who have distinguished themselves nationally and internationally. These include a Nobel Prize winner, a Fields Medal recipient, a former chairman of the CBI, a former director of the National Theatre, sporting legends, writers, entrepreneurs, musicians, journalists, actors ... the list goes on.

Many of these portraits were taken by OM and renowned photographer Sefton Samuels (MGS 1942-1947) who has captured the images of notable Old Mancunians for more than half a century. Sefton is known for his photojournalistic portrayal of northern England and was described by painter LS Lowry as his favourite photographer. Sefton has over a century of photos in national galleries, including a staggering 68 images in the National Portrait Gallery alone.
Many OMs still remain to be photographed and the Development Office is always open to suggestions of new OM targets!