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New Sixth form centre and sports pavillion

We are delighted to announce that £3.5 million has been pledged towards our £4 million fundraising target. New gifts and pledges from our community towards our £4 million total will enable the School to begin work on the new building project at the end of this academic year.

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We are delighted to announce that £3.5 million has been pledged towards our £4 million fundraising target. New gifts and pledges from our community towards our £4 million total will enable the School to begin work on the new building project at the end of this academic year.

New Sixth form centre and sports pavillion

We are delighted to announce that £3.5 million has been pledged towards our £4 million fundraising target. New gifts and pledges from our community towards our £4 million total will enable the School to begin work on the new building project at the end of this academic year.