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Parents' Society

The MGS Parents' Society exists to provide a platform for you to meet other parents, raise funds to support the School and provide additional services which we hope will enhance your son's time at MGS.

Parents' SocietyThe Society has charitable status and, in 2019, (pre-Covid) we raised more than £10,000 for School projects to benefit the boys, including items of sports equipment, DofE tents, gardening club tools, Teqball tables, board games etc. This is only possible through the help given by parents who volunteer or who give up their time to support events.



The Parents' Society is a great opportunity to meet other parents and to have fun, so I hope that you will join us and support our activities.

Your support does not have to involve a lot of time: you can donate raffle prizes, send in unwanted uniforms or volunteer to help with a single event. We welcome practical help and new ideas, and recognise that parents are busy, and not everyone is in a position to spend much money. The role can be as big or small as you feel able.

Items funded by Parents' Society in 2022/23:
  • Rock Climbing club - equipment
  • Gardening Club - plants and equipment
  • Mountain Biking - panniers so that pupils can carry kit to complete the Duke of Edinburgh awards
  • 3D printers - to be used across Electronics, Engineering Society and Flight Club
  • Mini Bassoons - to be used extensively within the Music Department
All parents are automatically members of the Parents' Society.
Roger Lamb (Chairman)



Climbing Equipment and Climbing Mats funded by Parents' Society

R lamb
Roger Lamb, Chairman

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Richard Whitehead, Treasurer
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Kate Jones, Burns' Night

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Karen Murty, 2nd Hand Uniform & Lost Property

H gupta
Harshita Gupta, 500 Club
M rawson
Maz Rawson, Events

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Carla Wood, Secretary & Admin
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Simon Jones, School Representative

0161 224 7201

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Eleanor Losse, School Representative
0161 224 7201

With more than 500 members, the 500 Club is one of the main fund-raising activities of the Parents' Society.

We hold 3 draws throughout the year, at Christmas, Easter and summer. Members pay a subscription of £15 a year and are then included in each draw. We aim to give back 50% of the proceeds from subscriptions as prize money to our club members; the remaining 50% is retained by the Parents' Society to contribute towards projects in school which benefit the boys.

Prizes typically range from £50 to £200, and winners are notified by post or email. The more people who join, the bigger and better the prizes we are able to offer, but perhaps - more importantly - the more money we raise, the more we are able to provide for funding projects.

During 2020/21, the 500 Club raised over £8,000 in revenue from membership, and so we were able to fund over £4,000 worth of school items and activities.

Joining the 500 Club is easy:

Pay via GoCardless