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Welcome to our Old Mancunians

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When pupils leave the school in Year 13, they become part of the extensive Old Mancunian community.


Years of The Manchester Grammar School


Bursary Fund


Individual donors to the School and Bursary Fund since 1997

A culture of excellence

There are multiple opportunities for pupils to reconnect with peers on an annual basis, including: Old Boys’ Reunion Dinner and Alumni Sports Day held at the school, events in Manchester, London and abroad. MGS also partners a London event with Manchester High School for Girls and Withington Girls’ School. Old Mancunians regularly give up their time to assist with the Careers Programme, helping to provide work experience placements and regularly return to the school to deliver talks to pupils. MGS is also enormously grateful to all our Old Mancunian donors who, through their generosity, enable the School to provide an education of the highest quality to suitably able boys.

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