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Community mgs uniformThe Parents' Society regularly hold uniform sales, covering almost all items of school clothing, including sport and activities items as well as pure uniform. The items are good quality and all the revenue raised goes directly to benefit the school.

In 2021/22, uniform sales raised over £5,000 for the Parents' Society, which was used to fund various items and activities for the School.

Donations & Volunteering

The success of the second hand uniform sale relies on your donations of clothing. These can be left at Reception in both the Junior or Senior School but please clearly mark them as for ‘Parents' Society Uniform Sales’.

Its success also depends on volunteer parents to help with the washing, sorting and then selling of the clothes, so if you do have any time available to help out, please contact Karen at the email address below.

For more information about uniform prices and sizes available please email:


The system for dealing with lost property is run by volunteers from the Parents' Society.

The porters 'sweep' the School for lost uniform, bags, sports equipment etc at the end of the each day. A team of volunteers sorts through the pile of lost items, and we have a well-established system for returning those items that are named to their owners. Items of uniform which are not labelled or claimed are in due course sold at our second-hand uniform sales, whilst non-uniform items are given to charity. Each year, we give about 80 bin-liners full of clothes/bags to various charities.

We have a wonderful team of dedicated parents who sort through lost property every holiday. It normally takes no more than 2 hours and is much more fun than it sounds! We have a good chat and nearly always find something we didn't realise our own sons had lost. If you would like to join us in a sorting session, we would love to meet you.

Contact Karen Murthy for further information or if you have any questions about lost property: