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Donor Recognition

In particular we would like to thank members of the Hugh Oldham Society who have donated substantial sums to help re-found the School through gifts to our Bursary Funds or to fund large-scale building projects. 

We are enormously grateful to our modern day Founders:
  • Leon Howard (53-61)
  • Anthony Preston (66-73)
  • Jon Aisbitt (68-75)
  • Patrick Cryne (former parent)
  • Peter Bracewell (friend of the School)
  • Ian Bailey (27-32 & staff 49-07)
  • Muriel Morrison (friend of the School)
  • George Entwisle (32-39)
  • Arnold Thackray (49-57)
  • David Hibbitt (55-62)
  • Andrew Dodd (83-90)
  • Brian and Christine Daglish (Friends of the School)

“I’ll never forget the look on my mother’s face when she opened the scholarship letter from MGS. From the moment I walked through the gates at MGS I knew I was part of something special. Had I not been fortunate enough to gain a scholarship I may never have had the opportunities that have arisen in my career.

Hugh Oldham, the Founder of the School, used the profit from his corn mills to fund the School, as did cotton mill owner Edward Langworthy in the 19th century, so it seems only fitting that I should do the same. If I can give other boys in my position the same opportunity that I had, and encourage other successful business people to donate to the School, my donation will have served its purpose.” Leon Howard


“It’s really simple - I grew up at Manchester Grammar. I learned to think for myself and question received wisdom and the orthodox approach to anything. I also learned the vital importance of teamwork. I was lucky enough to get a place at Oxford to continue my education. I only got those opportunities because the State paid for my place at the School – my parents couldn’t have afforded to pay for me. So when I found myself in a position where I could start giving something back, giving other boys the same opportunity that I had was a key priority."

Jon Aisbitt


“Going forward, the core mission of MGS has to be the pursuit of excellence in all that it does, and at the heart of this is the search for talent, irrespective of race, creed, or indeed the ability to pay. This is why the Bursary Fund is so important. There can be no more rewarding way to put a bit back than helping young people of talent access the first rate education that MGS provided.

What MGS awoke in me was a taste for achievement and a belief that you have to give of your best in everything you undertake: supporting the Bursary Appeal is a brilliant way to pass these treasures on to the next generation.”

Anthony Preston

The current cost of endowing a bursary place in perpetuity is £400,000, a sum which we expect to produce an annual investment return equivalent to a school fee. Those individuals endowing one or more places will have their name inscribed on the Boards of Refoundation and be invited to be recognised as a member of the Bexwyke Society.

The Bexwyke family made a substantial contribution to the School's original endowment fund along with Hugh Oldham. It is fitting therefore that we use the Bexwyke family name to recognise those Old Mancunians and friends that have made a substantial gift to the School, equivalent to endowing a bursary place in perpetuity.

We are hugely grateful to members of the Bexwyke Society

Antony Adler (45-51)
Mohammed Amin (Former parent)
Robert Arnold (65-72)
Edith Campbell (Former parent)
John Catlow (25-32)
John Dickinson (33-39)
The Esmee Fairburn Foundation
Peter Gordon (54-59)
Joan Harlock (Friend of the School)
Gordon Harris (Former staff 53-88)

John and Janet Lancaster (Friends of the School)
David Lloyd (42-49)
Carl Michaelsen (Former parent)
George Myers (Teaching Staff 73-06)
Peter Rees (32-34)
Alan Rigby (35-42)
N M Rothschild & Sons Ltd.
Marks and Spencer plc.
John & Janet Spencer-Smith (35-39)
Vale Stevens (30-34)
Stoller Charitable Trust
James Stott (50-55)
Maurice Watkins (52-60)
John Young (68-75)
Albert Yoxall (25-33)


Edward Langworthy, a wealthy cotton businessman, earned the title of ‘our second founder’ after he saved the School from Bankruptcy in the 1870s. It is fitting that we use his name to recognise and thank those Old Mancunians and friends who have supported MGS by leaving a gift in their will or have indicated their intention to do so in the future. 

Read the Langworthy Society's Legacy Brochure here

Current Members

Please note some members wish to remain anonymous.

*indicates legacy received.

Antony Adler*
Jon Aisbitt
Malcolm Allan*
Roy Allen*
Robert Allen*
Phyllis Allman*
Rakesh & Rita Anand
Donald Anderton*
Frank Andrew
Robert Arnold*
Anthony Ashton*
Peter Ashurst
Martin Atkinson
Pauline Attree*
Ian Bailey*
Louie Barber*
Philip Barnes*
Reginald Barnes*
Peter Batterley*
Robert Beattie*
John Betts*
Michael Blank*
William Boardman*
Philip Boden
Marcus Bokkerink
Peter Booth
George Borrington*
Dennis & Joyce Bottomley*
Martin Boulton
Ian Bowers
Peter Bracewell*
Keith Bromley
John Brown*
John Buchanan
Vera Buckley*
Andrew Buckley
Ron & Jean Buckley
Simon Burch
Warwick Burton*
Henry Button*
Hedley Calderbank
Simon Caldwell
Edith Campbell*
Una Campbell* 
John Canham*
Ron Carr
William Cartledge*
Harry Cass*
John Catlow*
Forbes Catto*
Cedric Caygill*
Malcolm Chamberlain*
John Cheetham
Reg & Beryl Claber*
Brian Clegg*
Robert Coffey*
Alan Colman
Paul Connolly*
Harold Copeman*
David Costain
Bob Coupe
Angus & Heather Coutie*
John Dalby*
Jeffrey Darlington*
Nigel Davenport
Gordon Davies
Nicholas Davies*
Michael Dearden
Nicholas Denyer
John & May Dickinson*
Margaret Donohoe*
Cyril Doughty
Barry Downing
Sydney Downs*
Stanley Drapkin*
Gilbert Duxbury*
Tim Earle
The Eccles Family in Memory of Hugh Eccles*
Stephen Edmondson
Ian Elliott
Arthur Ellis*
George & Edith Entwisle*
Arthur Etchells*
Peter Fallows
Kenneth Featherstone*
Geoffrey Feldman*
Harry Fidler*
David Finney*
Grahame Fish
Ian Fletcher
Jonathan Fogerty
Neville Ford
Charles Forster
Jim Fowler
David Franks
Gwen French*
Richard & Norah Fritzsche*
Martin Gardner
Peter Gardner
Denis & Joan Gaunt*
Kevin Geary
John Gee
Anthony Gibbs*
Dean Gilmore
Allan Gilmour*
Lionel Glassey
Robert Glen*
David Goldberg

Peter Gordon* 
Sir Francis Graham-Smith
Ian Graymore
Barry Green
Brian Green*
Eric Greenhalgh*
David Gregory
Charles Griffiths*
Robin Griffin*
Dorothy Hall*
Gordon & Eunice Hall*
Michael Hall*
Ian & Linda Hamilton
Bernard Handley*
Roger Hanna*
Paul Hannah
James Hardman*
Gordon Harris*
Ralph Harrison
David Hartley*
Robert Hartley
Frank Haslam 
John Haslam*
Edward & Marjorie Hattersley*
Anthony Hatton*
Gordon Heys*
Brian Hickey*
Andrew Hight
Allan & Helen Hill
Philip Hill*
Peter Hills
Margaret Hindley*
John Hobbs*
Arthur Hobson*
Anthony Hodges*
Alan Hodson
Peter Holden*
Michael Holland
David Holloway
William Holt*
Douglas Holt*
Ken Holt 
W Michael Howard*
James Howell*
Nigel Howorth 
Keith Humphreys*
Herbert Isherwood*
John Jackson*
R Jackson*
Peter Jackson
David Jennings
Derek Jepson*
Philip Johnson*
John C.Q. Johnson
John R. Johnson
Stewart Johnson*
Philip Johnston
Alan Jones*
Alan N Jones
Simon & Sally Jones
Karl Jonietz
Steven Joseph
Stephen Katona
Roger Keeley
Adil Khan
Emma Kilheeney McSherry
Roger Kingsley*
Bernard Knowles*
Shirley Komrower*
Alan Lam*
John and Janet Lancaster*
Anthony Leaver*
Tony Lemon 
John Lindley
David Lloyd*
Kenneth Lloyd*
John Loney*
Iain Lyttelton
Duncan MacAskill
Bob Mackay* 
Ralph Mainard
James Manning
Ronald Manning*
Timothy Marshall*
Peter Mason*
John McCarthy*
James McFarlane*
Graeme McSherry
Wilfred Meek*
Frank Midgley*
Diran Mikaelian*
Ian Millar*
James Millen*
Graham Milligan*
Maude Mills*
Donald Mills* 
David Monk* 
Donald Montague* 
Keith Morgan*
Eric Morris
Geoffrey Morris
Muriel Morrison*
Geoffrey Morton*
Alwyne Morton*
Stephen Mosley
Robert Moss*
Eric Mountain*
James Muckle*
Frank Murphy*
Daniel Musson
George Myers*

Peter & Beverley Norgrove*
Kenneth & Evelyn Norris*
James & Margaret Norris*
David Nott
Bob Nuttall
David Odabashian*
Peter Ogden*
Rodney Oliver
David Ordman
David Oxley*
Denis Palmer*
Robert Palmer*
Geoffrey Parker*
David Peake
David Pearson
John Pearson
Alan Percival*
Hugh Platt*
Stewart Platts*
Paul Ponder*
Charles Power*
Bruce Prout-Richardson*
Peter Rees*
Andrew Richards
Christopher & Joanna Richards
Michael Richardson
Alfred Ridler*
Alan Rigby*
John Rigby*
Beatrice Riley*
Thomas Riley*
Kenneth Rippon* 
Ken Robbie 
Hugh & Jill Rolfe*
The Mrs K J Roberts 1967 Trust *
Peter Robertson
Alex Robinson
Noel Robinson*
Paul Rose*
Douglas Rossington*
Hubert Royle*
Anthony Rubin
David Rumbelow
Keith Rutter
Eric Saunders*
Keith Saunders*
Peter Schick
Mary Schofield* 
Donald Seanor*
John Sennett
Bryan Shacklady
Tariq Shaikh
Ian Sharp
Donald Shasha*
Alfred Shaw*
John Shaw*
Ian Shepherd*
John Shepherdson*
Geoffrey Sherrocks
John Shippen
Victor Shorrocks
Frederick Short*
David Silverman
David Simpson
Roderick & Gillian Simpson*
Frederick Sinclair-Brown
David Singleton 
Richard Slack
Glyn Smith
Huw Smith
Neil Snowise
John & Janet Spencer-Smith*
Roger Stanger
Walter Stead
Martin Stephen
Vale Stevens*
Kenneth Stockdale
Tony Stocks*
John Stone
Eric Stuffins*
Brian Sutcliffe*
Alan Swindells*
Joan Taylor*
H Patrick Thompson
Douglas Thomson*
John Thornley
Thomas Timmins*
Robert Timperley*
Neil Tomkinson*
Brian Tomlinson
H Patrick Thompson
Julian Treuherz
Alan Turner*
Gerald Walkden
Jeremy Ward
Anthony Waring*
Rodney Wasey*
Audrey Irene Watts Will Trust *
George Watts*
Frank Webster
David Wharton-Street
Neil Wild
David Wilkinson
Geoffrey Williams*
Geoffrey Wilson*
Kathleen Wilson*
Nigel Wilson 
Jack Wolstenholme*
Peter Wolstenholme* 
Ian Wiseman
Russell Withington
Ken Woods
Brian Woolley 
Michael Yates
David Yarwood*
Albert Yoxall*