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Gifts from Overseas

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Making a donation from the US

If you live in the US and you would like to make a donation to MGS there are ways of making your gift tax-efficient. The most common way to make a donation is through BSUF, the British Schools and Universities Foundation, where you can make a gift regular gift or give by card. Alternatively, you can download a gift form.

Support MGS from the US through BSUF

Making a donation from Israel

If you live in Israel and you would like to make a donation to MGS there are ways of making your gift tax-efficient, access the link below:

Support MGS from Israel

Making a donation from Europe

Transnational Giving Europe (TGE)

Transnational Giving Europe (TGE) enables donors who reside in one of the participating countries to support charitable organisations in other member countries, while benefiting directly from the tax advantages provided for in the legislation of their country of residence.

Currently, Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland and Switzerland participate in the scheme.

Please get in touch directly with the organisation in your home country and they will facilitate your tax-efficient donation to the MGS Trust. Please be aware that administration and banking charges may be applied.

Should you wish to donate and do not live in one of the countries listed above please look at Other International Donors.

Other International Donors

Gifts from other countries are also particularly welcome, and donations from anywhere in the world can be made by credit or debit card online, banker's draft, or international bank transfer.

Donate online
Donate by post

To make a gift to The MGS Trust by cheque or credit card, please fill in the donation form and return it to:

The MGS Trust
c/o The Development Office
The Manchester Grammar School
Old Hall Lane
M13 0XT, UK

Donate by banker's draft

The MGS Trust
c/o The Development Office
The Manchester Grammar School
Old Hall Lane
M13 0XT, UK

Donate by Direct Bank Transfer

Account Name: The MGS Trust
IBAN: GB85 NWBK 0105 3114 5386 52
Reference: Your name

Gifts from companies and partnerships can be made tax-efficient. Companies can claim Corporation Tax on all donations to the MGS Trust. When a company gives to the MGS Trust, the value of the gift can be offset against the company's highest rate of Corporation Tax. Company gifts can be made on a regular or one-off basis. The School is also happy to form sponsorship links to provide employers with recruitment access to MGS pupils and Old Boys.

More information about corporate giving can be found here

Gifts of publicly quoted shares are a tax-efficient way for both individuals and companies to help support the MGS Trust. When donors give shares to the MGS Trust they can get substantial relief on their income tax bill, as well as exemption from Capital Gains Tax on any gains they may have made on the shares. With the higher rates of Income Tax and Capital Gains Tax currently at 40-45%, this can amount to a substantial tax break and all the tax relief goes to the donor.

There is more information about donating shares to a charity here


Legacy gifts to the school can provide an enormous boost to our fundraising to provide means-tested bursaries and improve our buildings and facilities. Old Mancunians and friends of the School who have made the Development Office aware of their intention to leave a legacy gift to MGS are invited to become members of the Langworthy Society.

View more information about The Langworthy Society and see a list of current members here


All places at the School were free until the late nineteenth century, and in the twentieth century successive governments helped to preserve access with the Direct Grant Scheme and the Assisted Places Scheme.

Since 1997 we have been entirely dependent upon our own resources, and have, with the generosity of many, built up bursary funds of more than £27 million. We hope to increase our funds in order to provide more bursary places for deserving pupils. In reality we require funds of over £100 million to enable the School to meet the demand for bursaries from investment income.


Hugh Oldham's original endowment in the early sixteenth century provided for the school as it grew to be rebuilt more than once on the Long Millgate site.

In the 1920s the governors managed the relocation to Fallowfield, where the new school opened in 1931. Improvements and additions to the buildings since then have been dependent on the careful management of income and the generosity of donors. Government grants have not been available to help us to improve our facilities.

Please download our legacy brochure, which outlines how a bequest could benefit the School

If you would like to make us aware of your intention to leave a legacy, or would like help with the wording of your will or adding a codicil, please download the form below:

Making or Amending your Will